Saturday, June 22, 2013

You're invited to fantisy life's 1 year annevirsery

You can celebrate fantisy life's 1 year anneversiry . has been viewed by 3787 people all over the world. The annevirsery is july 26 at 5:24 pm .celebrate if u want or just don't even mind. But i will have a special supprise post BUT you the viewers get to choose so post your ideas like so
             Example: fanatasy girl 101: witches
                  You have till July 3rd , 2013 !

Friday, June 21, 2013

Audience stats

Sometimes i think, that no one likes this blog and when i look at my audience stats i sat WOW thats alot of people. Thank you everyone for viewing this blog and I'm putting this out to everyone in the whole entire world . Every single individual who reads this post because of you im saying wow if you didn't then i would be saying awww darn i have barely any views but I'm not saying darn I'm saying I'm Lucky to have viewers like you out there to have people who care.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


A fae ( a.k.a faries) have a strong power of innilcense (or light power) can control the 4 "elements" of the earth ( earth , air, fire , and water) but sometimes it can be stuff like Electricity And plants ect. .